Joe Cato Morgan (20 November 1873-16 February 1970)

Joe Cato Morgan was born in Wilson County, Texas, on 20 Nov 1873 to Cato Morgan and Rachel Stevenson Wash Morgan.
In the 1880 Census, Joe Cato Morgan (6) is living with his parents, Cato (65) and Rachel (45), and his half-brothers and sisters, Wash (14), Anna(13), and Murray(9), near the Polleys.
He is mentioned in Cato Morgan’s obituary, “Faithful Unto Death”: “He [Cato Morgan] had been in ill health for the last year, but had so improved as to ride about and warrant his faithful wife to leave him at home with the youngest boy, some 13 years old.”
In 1910 Joe Cato Morgan was living in Precinct 3 with wife Harriet (35), Loyd (6 September 1899, 11), Earl (5), Crocket (3), and J. C (4 mo.), and Gladys Rees, daughter, (14).
In 1918 he was still living in Sutherland Springs, because he registered for the draft there.
He was still living in Precinct 3 in 1920.
In 1940 he was living with Orange Wash.
Joe Cato Morgan passed away on 16 Feb 1970 in Redwood City, San Mateo, California.
His quilt square is “Wild Goose Chase.”
This biographical selection is from The Enslaved People of J. H. Polley Plantation, Whitehall, Sutherland Springs, Texas 1836-1865. The collection is the work of independent scholar, Dr. Melinda Creech. Dr. Creech compiled and presents a biographical sketch of each of the enslaved along with a unique historic Texas quilt for each individual since photos of the 28 enslaved are not available. The collection is available to view in person at the Sutherland Springs Historical Museum.